In case I needed reminding…
Ugh. Today was one of those days that reminded me why I need jaw surgery. I woke up this morning in terrible, blinding jaw pain. The right side of my face was burning in an arc that stretched from my collar bone to the top of my head, with a concentrated stabbing-knife kind of pain in my jaw joint. I tried to get up as normal, and took a hot shower to see if it would help. It didn’t. I then tried to eat breakfast (oatmeal) so I could have something in my stomach to ease the nausea I was feeling. That didn’t work either. In fact, it was counterproductive, because having something in my stomach gave my stomach something to try and expel. I spent a while on the bathroom floor, and asked my wonderful husband to turn off every light in the house, as the light was trying to dig my eyeballs out of my head.
Yup. Just another typical migraine.
Except, in all honesty, this migraine wasn’t typical. It was a rare breed of excruciating. It is the kind of pain that makes me think surgery is not all that scary after all. In fact, the thought of someone cutting through the nerves in my face is somewhat appealing, because at least then I’d be numb instead of throbbing.
Thankfully, with the help and care taking skills of my sweet husband, a dark, silent bedroom, multiple heating pads, and some great migraine medicine, I was able to go back to sleep for several hours, and awoke feeling significantly better. My head is still a bulb of dull ache on the top of my neck, and my jaw muscles are still tender, but I’m able to open my eyes, drink some tea and even tolerate open blinds.
I feel like this morning was a foreshadowing of surgery recovery. I realized how much I’ll need my husband, and started making a list (correction, Brandon started making a list) of items I will want during recovery. My list so far:
- Copious amounts of chapstick. And not the cheap stuff. I need tubs of high quality lip balm, people. My lips weren’t even stretched out from surgery this morning, but for some reason, they were miserably dry.
- Some sort of eye covering to sleep in.
- I need to start taste-testing some of those yummy liquid meal options. Am I a Boost, Slimfast or Ensure kind of gal? Time to rediscover the world of protein supplements, as well!
- Really long straws. Pshh forget this whole sitting up thing. Way over-rated.
- Crappy but comfy sheets. I’m a little afraid of bleeding or drooling some sort of ungodly color on my pillowcases. I want cozy sheets that were not a wedding gift…
- Some sort of mechanism to get my husband’s attention. Having to look at the glowing screen of my cell phone to text, “Please come!” was a little bit like having sand in my eyes.
So, all in all, I’m thankful for today. I’m frustrated that I had to call in sick because I’ve got PLENTY to get done at work, but I’m thankful the horror that was this morning happened on a day Brandon was around to help me, and I’m even more thankful for migraine medicine that actually works. (Note to self, viacodine does NOT work. Ever, really. I think I’m over it.)
37 Days Until SurgeryÂ
And a little surgery humor…which is infinitely better than surgery horror stories!
One Comment
Oh my goodness. Wow. I had no idea, but I love the fact that you’re positive on this. I heart you, Lindsay!