Day 2: The misery is coming! The misery is coming!
If you don’t like to talk about vomit, you’d better stop reading here. Sorry… It’s just been one of those days!
I had been prescribed an anti-nausea patch that I put on before surgery. I didn’t experience even a little nausea with that patch, until about 5 am this morning, that is.
Vomiting was one of my biggest fears about recovery–and for good reason, I’ve discovered. Throwing up is bad enough when your mouth is functioning properly. But vomiting through sealed teeth? Oh man. THAT sucks.
Because of the nasty start to my day, I’ve felt pretty queazy and exhausted all day. Also, because of the nasty start to my day, my mouth tastes DISGUSTING. Holy bad breath, Batman (as my coworker would say). And let me tell you, spitting is NOT easy. I’ve been trying to spit all day, as anyone whose mouth felt as nasty as mine would try to do. Sadly, it just turns me into a spectacle of jowls and saliva that nobody wants to witness. (Sorry, Brandon!)
The good news about today:
1. Brandon was home with me all day. And he’s absolutely wonderful. I have no idea how I’d do this recovery without him!
2. I can feed myself via syringe now, and don’t even need a hand mirror. (Still need a bib, however.)
3. My lower lip has been tingling off and on all day. It feels HUGE in its numbness, but doesn’t appear too huge. I’ve also been experiencing an occasional, painless spasm in my bottom left chin/ lip area.
4. The swelling seems to be going down a bit. I’ve been much more diligent about ice today. (Yesterday was still my “honeymoon” phase with the whole recovery thing. I wasn’t as dedicated to getting ice on my face on a regular basis.)
5. My orthodontist’s office sent me a bouquet of balloons! Thanks, Dr. Z and gang! Cheered up my day considerably.
6. Kid’s liquid Advil has been a life-saver today while we were waiting for my patch to kick in before taking percoset again. I took percoset again tonight around 6:30 pm, and have been able to keep it down, along with my pain.
7. I discovered I can open my mouth (teeth) a teeny tiny bit, which was been a huge blessing to the practice of rinsing my mouth out.
Today’s been a day of mostly sleeping. I’ve gotten up and walked a few times, but for the most part–due to not feeling well and no appetite–I’ve stayed in bed.
Strangely, I don’t miss food too much. I mean, my parents and Brandon have all eaten in front of me, and it hasn’t bothered me at all. That may change in a few days, but after this morning, I’m very happy to stick with an all liquid diet a few more days, at least.
Picture of the day: Me and my meal syringe.
![Day 2, eating from a syringe.](
Christy and robin
Praying for you everyday Lindsey. Hope you are better soon!!
Bethany M
I have been thinking about you and your jaw surgery and I am glad that all went well! 🙂 You are a trooper! This will all be worth it. Hugs!
🙁 Love you, friend. See you tomorrow, nausea – permitting.
P.S. It looks like you’re going to shove the syringe up your nose. Might want to re-think that.
P.P.S. You look really good!
Hey Linds, see I’m following!
Having supportive loved ones around makes all the difference huh? We will have to compare disgusting recovery stories some day:-). Hang in there and remember this is all temporary. Love you.
You are doing so well, Lindsay. I am very proud of you for doing all this hard work so you can, one day, be free of the pain you have endured. I am so sorry you have had to deal with all this nausea, and my heart goes out to you. I pray for a speedy recovery, lots of good icing sessions and beautiful healing.
Perry Landes
Someday, you will look back on all this and it will seem like a long, uncomfortable dream… But it’s really part of the epic adventure, yeah? You remain my heroine! Can’t wait to hear you singing again, in person!
Thanks, Perry! I know you’re right. Right now, it’s miserable. But I have faith it was the right decision and will turn into something good soon. For now, though, bring on the anti-nausea patches!