• Writing

    Rain = Poetry

    We had a crazy rainstorm this afternoon, and as I ran across the parking lot to my car after work, this poem tapped its fingers on my brain. I’m no poet. That honor belongs to my Nana. But I offer up this little verse anyway. Call it a gift — one to inspire all of you more talented poets to listen for tapping fingers. Rainstorm Rain sings down around me; I hear your dancing feet On warmer, dryer pavement Through colorful, faraway streets. Rain sings down around me; I see your laughing eyes With stories weaved like fairytales Or a scoundrel’s alibis. Rain sings down around me; I know this…

  • Writing


    I heart Twitter. I mean, really. I truly love it. I love how it forces brevity; I love the way it connects people; and I love THE PEOPLE. I wants to hug all my tweeps. Tonight, Twitter made me love it even more because it brought a super fun writing prompt idea into my life. Here’s the story: One of my tweeps (*waves at @bookishbritney*) posted a picture of her grandfather. It’s an awesome picture. I took one look at him and thought,”Now there’s a character.” She and I started tweeting about the awesomeness of said picture, and a brilliant idea fell into our laps. #worth1000words We decided to swap…

  • Jaw Journal

    For Heather: Surgery and your voice

    Recently, Heather asked: Hi Lindsay, I hope you still check this website. I am a vocal teacher and was a vocal performance major. It’s safe to say music is my life. I teach over 80 students a week, and sing constantly : ) I am having double jaw surgery this July and I am extremely nervous about moving my jaws and still being able to sing. I am hoping that the surgery will take the tension that I feel 24/7 and help me to open my jaws with ease… and also help open up my airways. I am curious what your experience with your voice was after the surgery? Did…

  • Jaw Journal

    One Year Later: Before and After Photos

    I can’t believe it has been a YEAR since my jaw surgery! My life is so, so different than what it was a year ago. People often ask me if it was worth having surgery, and my answer is unflinchingly YES. I would do it again in a heartbeat! It was absolutely worth it, and I have no regrets. A year ago, I was under the knife. My doctor broke my lower jaw in two places, realigned it, and pinned it in place with two dog bone-shaped titanium brackets. I swelled up like a somewhat square balloon, and spent a week with my mouth locked shut (by way of rubber…

  • Jaw Journal

    One for the Money…

    Today was the day I faced my fears. Today I finally saw the statement for the hospital costs for my surgery. Now, I got the bill from my surgeon’s office a few months ago, and didn’t share it with you all because I was waiting for the other, more frightening shoe to fall. I knew from the beginning that the hospital bill would be the Big One, because hospitals, as we all know, really like to bleed patients dry. (Dear friends and family who are nurses…I love you! I’d feel much better about hospitals being so expensive if I knew that  money was going more toward YOUR paychecks than things…