Day 19: I ain’t nothing but a hound dog…drooling all the time
Well, I have no excuses. My shameful lack of blog posts is purely the result of laziness. That’s all there is to it! For the past few days I’ve had fleeting thoughts of creating a new post…and then those fleeting thoughts fleeted themselves out the window in favor of another episode of Dick Van Dyke or Vampire Diaries. Yup. My post-toddler days have been basking in couch-potato indulgences! But, in all fairness to my couch-potato self, there actually hasn’t been a ton to report. No new sensation in my lips or chin. (Still lots of painful and irritating tingling, though. Especially at bed time. What’s with that?) No exciting editions…
For the last two nights, I have been suffering from terrible insomnia. I’m exhausted when I go to bed, but my eyes won’t close, my brain won’t stop whirring, and sleep never comes. I maybe got a spotty two hours of sleep on Tuesday night, and last night, my insomnia was so bad, and so distressing, that I woke Brandon in the middle of the night, begging him to pray for me. As he began his very sleepy prayer, I burst into tears and sobbed like a toddler out of sheer exhaustion. Needless to say, my days have been very unenergetic as a result. I spent all day Wednesday on…
Day 13: Cheek Ripping
Pain: 1 Nausea: None. Swelling: Almost completely gone. I still have a mild “double chin” look, but my face no longer resembles the jowly face of Alfred Hitchcock. Numbness: My lips and chin are in a constant state of burning turmoil these days, which is, of course, a great sign of nerve health and healing. Sometimes, though, the burning/itching/tingling makes me want to pull my hair out. Going insane is a small price to pay for getting out of chronic pain though, right??? Today I had my second follow-up with Dr. D’Addario. The minute I walked into the office, everyone on the staff started telling me how great I look.…
Day 11: 25 mm and a Toddler
I haven’t written in a few days because, at first, nothing had really changed and I didn’t have much to say. Then I didn’t write because I had a HORRIBLE day of HORRIBLE pain and nausea (yesterday), and didn’t feel like blogging. But today, I’m much better–a whole new woman, in fact–and have some fun things to share. Pain yesterday: 9 Pain today: 2 Nausea yesterday: 8 Nausea today: none! Swelling is almost unnoticeable on both sides! Numbness: My lip has started to give the sensation of pain whenever anything comes into contact with it. It’s like the nerves know something is happening, but can’t quite get things straight yet.…
Day 7: One week anniversary!
Pain: 3 Numbness: Same old, same old. Nausea: Doc wrote a prescription for another patch, so I’m doing alright! Hopefully this one will last through the end of my Percoset, and I won’t need more. Food Consumption Today: oatmeal and a mashed up banana for breakfast, two small, soft cheese wheels, and about 1/2 cup of baked beans. Tonight I’m going to boldly try meatloaf at my parents. That is…if I don’t fall asleep with my face in it first. Today is the one-week mark in my recovery from jaw surgery. Yippee! Really, I’m doing pretty well. Not a ton of swelling, my pain is manageable, and I can brush…