Jaw Journal
Updates, blending and guitars
First, the most important news for my prayer warriors: My surgery time has been moved up to NOON tomorrow, instead of 3 pm! This is very good news! I won’t be quite as hungry, and the chances of my going home same-day are much better. I’m very grateful for the earlier time. I spent my last day with my current face getting surgical hooks added to my braces (Pokey little things. They feel like a picket fence inside my mouth.) While they were wiring everything in place, I joked that I felt like a guitar whose strings had just been changed. Mary Ann, my tech, was amused by my desire…
Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Mine was absolutely blessed. I enjoyed every moment with my family today–from our early morning gift-opening at my parents’ house, to glitter and make-up time with my young cousin, Sophie, this afternoon, to a long conversation with my in-laws and brother-in-law tonight. I also felt very, very loved by my church family today. I can’t thank everyone enough for the constant love and support! My nerves about surgery have been calmed by the many prayers and endless encouraging words I’ve received in the last few days. Thank you, one and all, for loving me through this!! And to those who have given such…
Pre-Op Appointment…and a Christmas Song
Yesterday afternoon I had my final pre-op appointment with Dr. D’Addario. They took all my vitals, did a brief physical, took X-rays, and made the final set of molds in order to make my surgical splint. He also answered all of my questions about surgery–and let me tell you, I had a bunch of them! Being the slightly-type A personality I am, I’d written down a whole page of questions, single-spaced. I also used my phone’s voice recorder to record the appointment so I would be sure to get all of the information straight. For those of you facing jaw surgery, I’m attaching my list of questions in case it…
It’s 19 days until surgery now, and just to say it, I’m feeling anxious today. Ok, not anxious as much as scared. I keep thinking about all of the unknown things about surgery, and I’m freaking myself out. Bone saws, sliced nerves, swallowing blood, stitches… Ugh. I need to stop. It all came crashing down on me when I got home from work, and all I could do was crawl into bed and try and sleep for an hour or so. There may have been a few tears. But only a few. Being afraid of surgery is only debilitating, so I need to dwell on the good things. Like being…
Gettin’ the Goods
Well, the preparations for the big day are officially underway. My mom once gave me excellent advice when I expressed how nervous I was about surgery. She said, “Just plan it like you planned your wedding, and then you’ll be able to relax and trust that everything will go smoothly.” I realize, of course, I have zero control over the actual surgery. But you can bet your bottom dollar, Annie, that I’m thinking through as many details of the recovery as I can possibly imagine. Right now, I’m focusing on the fun part: shopping. 🙂 So far, with the guidance of my fellow jaw-bloggers, my list looks a little something…