Day 5: All You Need Is Love…and Condiment Bottles
Pain: 6-7 Numbness: Same. Nausea: Bad this morning, but passed without incident. Back this afternoon after my 3 hour nap, but went away after tomato soup. My day of socializing yesterday caught up with me last night and this morning, and my pain was the worst it’s been. After my 4 and 9 am doses of food and meds, I slept until about 11. When I woke up, my mommy had replaced Brandon as my caretaker for the day! (Brandon had to go back to work. Rats.) Good thing my mom has an iPad to keep her company…I was pretty boring and sleepy all day. My dad came by around…
You can’t say I didn’t warn you!
This morning at work, I decided to count how many actual work days I have left between now and surgery. Surgery is 35 days away, and I have *gulp* 16 work days between now and then!! Cue blood pressure rising, breathing getting shallow, pulse racing… I don’t know why this number stresses me out, but it does. Only 16?! Oh man! I’ve got so much to do in these sixteen days, it ain’t even funny. I was just given my first title assignments (which means I found out what books we’re publishing next fall that I’m in charge of the marketing campaigns for), and I’m super excited about them. But surgery…