It’s 19 days until surgery now, and just to say it, I’m feeling anxious today. Ok, not anxious as much as scared. I keep thinking about all of the unknown things about surgery, and I’m freaking myself out. Bone saws, sliced nerves, swallowing blood, stitches… Ugh. I need to stop. It all came crashing down on me when I got home from work, and all I could do was crawl into bed and try and sleep for an hour or so. There may have been a few tears. But only a few. Being afraid of surgery is only debilitating, so I need to dwell on the good things. Like being…
In case I needed reminding…
Ugh. Today was one of those days that reminded me why I need jaw surgery. I woke up this morning in terrible, blinding jaw pain. The right side of my face was burning in an arc that stretched from my collar bone to the top of my head, with a concentrated stabbing-knife kind of pain in my jaw joint. I tried to get up as normal, and took a hot shower to see if it would help. It didn’t. I then tried to eat breakfast (oatmeal) so I could have something in my stomach to ease the nausea I was feeling. That didn’t work either. In fact, it was counterproductive,…
November Miracles!
I can hardly believe I’m able to write these sentences: My jaw surgery is OFFICIALLY SCHEDULED! And…INSURANCE WILL COVER IT! Wow, it’s been a wild ride since my last update–and this post will be full of even more evidence of God’s incredible mercy and provision! So, as I talked about last time, Nicole (at my surgeon’s office) was pretty sure my insurance would NOT cover my surgery. They submitted the paperwork, and we entered yet another waiting game. While we were waiting to hear from insurance, a few more issues arose. 1. My surgeon’s office announced they were dropping my insurance company as a provider on January 1, 2012. 2.…
October Miracles
Well, the past few weeks have been pretty amazing…and I figured I better update my blog again. In early October, I visited the surgeon for another consultation, and he declared me ready for surgery. It was a momentous occasion for several reasons: One, it’s about dang time. I’ve been waiting for this day for almost five years. (About 5 years ago was when it was determined that my bite would not be correctable without surgery.) Two, my mom came to the appointment and ended up feeling much better about the idea of surgery. Until that day, my parents weren’t totally on board with the idea, which was hard for me.…