Day 7: One week anniversary!
Pain: 3 Numbness: Same old, same old. Nausea: Doc wrote a prescription for another patch, so I’m doing alright! Hopefully this one will last through the end of my Percoset, and I won’t need more. Food Consumption Today: oatmeal and a mashed up banana for breakfast, two small, soft cheese wheels, and about 1/2 cup of baked beans. Tonight I’m going to boldly try meatloaf at my parents. That is…if I don’t fall asleep with my face in it first. Today is the one-week mark in my recovery from jaw surgery. Yippee! Really, I’m doing pretty well. Not a ton of swelling, my pain is manageable, and I can brush…
Day 3: Sleeping Beauty
Pain Level: 3 Nausea: on and off all day, but not as bad as yesterday Swelling: going down! Still definitely large and uncomfortable, but I don’t look quite as boxy as I did yesterday. I’ve been much better about icing today, which has helped tremendously. (Also, a tip for those of you recovering from jaw surgery, too: If your chin/lip is numb but itchy, applying ice alleviates the itching to some degree. Ice has kept me from going crazy!) I’ve mostly slept today, utterly exhausted from the past few days, Â I think. My pain has been ok, though, which has allowed me to sleep quite a bit longer than the…