Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Mine was absolutely blessed. I enjoyed every moment with my family today–from our early morning gift-opening at my parents’ house, to glitter and make-up time with my young cousin, Sophie, this afternoon, to a long conversation with my in-laws and brother-in-law tonight. I also felt very, very loved by my church family today. I can’t thank everyone enough for the constant love and support! My nerves about surgery have been calmed by the many prayers and endless encouraging words I’ve received in the last few days. Thank you, one and all, for loving me through this!! And to those who have given such…
In case I needed reminding…
Ugh. Today was one of those days that reminded me why I need jaw surgery. I woke up this morning in terrible, blinding jaw pain. The right side of my face was burning in an arc that stretched from my collar bone to the top of my head, with a concentrated stabbing-knife kind of pain in my jaw joint. I tried to get up as normal, and took a hot shower to see if it would help. It didn’t. I then tried to eat breakfast (oatmeal) so I could have something in my stomach to ease the nausea I was feeling. That didn’t work either. In fact, it was counterproductive,…